The University of St. Thomas URL Shortener was created to provide students, staff, and faculty the ability to both shorten URLs as well as maintain an association with the University.

First time logging in? Use your UST username without the "" suffix.

Students: To shorten a URL, first login, then enter the URL that you wish to shorten into the input and select Shorten. This will provide you with a new URL associated with your University of St. Thomas username. For example, if user ande0000 shortened a link, it would become

If you wish to modify this URL, just return to the previous screen, replace the URL that you entered in previously, and select Modify.

Faculty/Staff: To shorten a URL, first login, then enter the URL that you wish to shorten into the input and an optional keyword to add to the end of your URL, then select Shorten. This will provide you with a new URL that includes your custom keyword or a random keyword if no custom keyword was provided. For example, if a user selected the keyword apples and shortened a link. It would become

If you wish to modify this URL, just return to the previous screen, replace the URL that you entered in previously, and select Modify. This modification process can be done on more than one URL at once.

University of St. Thomas Logo

URL Shortener

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